I finally decided to stop sulking because the yearly charity bookfair had been moved from its traditional location in a park 2 minutes from my workroom in Utrecht to a place I'd never been before which must be all of, oh, at least a 10 minute cycle away...

(Though I actually went in the car from Soest and took Sproet for a short walk beforehand.) Apparantly the council are asking far too much money to hold it in the park so they'd found a free location in a restaurant on the edge of town. As it was so cold and damp today this was actually ideal as they could hold the fair indoors. As usual they had the traditional 'fill a bag for 5 euro' action beginning at around 14.30. I'd already scouted round the various stalls and grouped the books I was interested in together at strategic places on the tables and miraculously most of them were still there when I returned with my bag to fill. Though, hang on, I don't see that Hillary Mantel I had in my hand any more... Ah well, still quite a good catch. For a total outlay of 10 euros, including entry and (terrible) coffee and (rather good) chocolate cake I've come home with 20 books.
5 opmerkingen:
niet gek!
Zo te zien had je je auto wel nodig!
Goede vangst. Laat je ons weten hoe het was? Groetjes loes
Prima vangst, Elma! Ik vind zelf Prodigal Summer erg goed, Water for Elephants was ook mooi.
Ik ben er ook geweest (13.00 uur) en kwam met 5 boeken weg. Best leuk, tussen de boeken speuren, maar wel erg veel vergeelde boeken, dat was jammer.
Oeh... lekker allemaal hoor!
Goede vangst,zeg! Heb het helaas moeten laten schieten omdat we hier last-minute besloten dat we toch nodig eens naar Keulen moesten. Was ook leuk.
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