Went to see
this film last night in Amersfoort

with Carin and Julia. From the trailer I'd seen last week I'd expected a lighter film full of stunning scenery but this was definitely dark and sometimes scary stuff. Well, dreams often are dark and scary, especially those which are in the heads of mixed up 9 year olds, so they got that right. It was clever how they got the muddled quality of dreams into the (vague) story line. One of the monsters with a male voice had a female name. Fears which started with a classroom story of how the sun was dying translated in his dreamworld into a desert landscape. All the elements of his real life were present but all jumbled up into a mixture which he sometimes felt he had control over for a while but which then just as suddenly could unravel into chaos. Definitely a film which probably reveals more on a second viewing - sometime in the future I'd like to see it again if it crops up on tv. Oh and it's definitely nOt a children's film. Julia (11) was old enough to 'get' most of it I think, but I suspect that for most 8-10 year olds (it has an 8+ certificate) it would probably not be coherent enough for them to be able to enjoy it. And any younger children would most likely just be scared witless by it.
Hier is een recensie van de NRC
1 opmerking:
k heb de podcast van Simon Mayo en Mark Kermode nog waarin ze het over deze film hebben. Zal ik de mp3 aan je sturen (mail me dan ff)? Anders gooi ik 'm weg.
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