Luckily Sil didn't have too many ill effects from the chocolate she pilfered on Boxing Day though I had a few worried moments when I looked up the symptoms. She'd scoffed most of the decorative Christmas chocolate log which I'd (stupidly) left being decorative in the empty fire grate in its cellophane wrapping. She was extremely hyper and barking at any distant noise of fireworks for most of the day but I'm not sure if this was all due to the chocolate poisoning or if she just gets nervous about explosions anyway. Good job it wasn't dark chocolate or she might not have got off so lightly. See this article for some of the details of what quantities of chocolate can prove fatal for canines. (Although I do find the measurements a bit confusing.) I'm really just putting this blogpost in to warn those who might not realise that chocolate is poisonous for dogs. Though there's no reason to get hysterical over small amounts it can definitely be dangerous and often even fatal in larger doses.
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