woensdag 8 september 2010


In July I met Joep in the Soesterduinen. I told his owner that if he ever needed someone to look after his beautiful big blue Dane he could call me. I'd said I was full with lodgerdogs till the end of August but after that he was welcome.

Last week he called and we arranged to have a trial run to see how Joep and I got on. We met in the car park this morning and walked for a while and then Joep jumped in the back of the Wee Blue Van and I followed his owner to his house where he got his breakfast.

Turns out he lives just round the corner so we walked back here and now Joep is lying snoring on the settee.

2 opmerkingen:

Janneke zei

Oooh wat een mooie dense/duitse dog!

ingrid zei

Wat een pracht beest!!!

