And here's a 'naked' pic for those who have no idea what they're supposed to be seeing in the first photo. It's an ingenious system to allow you to read 'hands free'.
woensdag 29 december 2010
And here's a 'naked' pic for those who have no idea what they're supposed to be seeing in the first photo. It's an ingenious system to allow you to read 'hands free'.
maandag 27 december 2010
Chocolate Poisoning

Luckily Sil didn't have too many ill effects from the chocolate she pilfered on Boxing Day though I had a few worried moments when I looked up the symptoms. She'd scoffed most of the decorative Christmas chocolate log which I'd (stupidly) left being decorative in the empty fire grate in its cellophane wrapping. She was extremely hyper and barking at any distant noise of fireworks for most of the day but I'm not sure if this was all due to the chocolate poisoning or if she just gets nervous about explosions anyway. Good job it wasn't dark chocolate or she might not have got off so lightly. See this article for some of the details of what quantities of chocolate can prove fatal for canines. (Although I do find the measurements a bit confusing.) I'm really just putting this blogpost in to warn those who might not realise that chocolate is poisonous for dogs. Though there's no reason to get hysterical over small amounts it can definitely be dangerous and often even fatal in larger doses.
zaterdag 25 december 2010
Sprouts and Paper Hats
zondag 19 december 2010
Tidying Up Books, Hanging Up Maps
The box on the floor full of not-yet-read hardbacks has been moved to a newly freed space on the bedroom window ledge.
This book of ReadAndToBeKept books has been culled from the random chaos of The Growing Pile.
While I was in tidying mode I hung the map of Marrocco on the living room door.
By lucky chance the part of Marrakesh where my hotel is for the marathon is visible on the other side of the door through the window.
zaterdag 18 december 2010
woensdag 15 december 2010
dinsdag 14 december 2010
Call of the Wild
Joep was very concerned about the fate of the dogs on the film tonight.

I hope he doesn't have nightmares...
I hope he doesn't have nightmares...
zondag 12 december 2010
Nop Maas read from the as yet unpublished 3rd part of his biography of Reve; the bit about an extremely controversial interview he gave to Boudewijn Büch. Later the 'surprise speaker' was indeed Theodor Holman.
He certainly made me feel like re-reading De Kleine Blonde Dood, which I can only remember as
Anyway, enjoyable afternoon. Excellent location. I'll certainly be going back there. In fact there's a Reve day next week... ach maybe not, but I'll certainly be going to have a look at the Reve museum on the second floor next time I'm in town.
zaterdag 11 december 2010
donderdag 9 december 2010
Ground Control...
zaterdag 4 december 2010
woensdag 1 december 2010
Lionel Shriver in Amsterdam

Maaike and I had tickets for a reading organised by the John Adams

zondag 28 november 2010
Slow Cooking
After yesterday's slow run I had a day sawing wood for the stove on the boat and making a big cast iron pot of food. Inspired by Chanou's blog I made some photos of the cooking process.

I don't 'do' recipes but here's a vague description of how it was put together. Stuff chicken with a mixture of bread, mushrooms, wine, Indonesian boemboe and some peanut and coconut mix stuff that was in the cupboard. (Mix together till mushy.) Wrestle stringy bit over back legs again to keep the filling in. Roast chicken in olive oil in the pan till it's browned more or less all round. Chuck in some more wine so that there's a layer of liquid on the bottom of the pan. Find the right way to balance pan on stove so that it's simmering rather than boiling furiously. (This involves bits or wire meshing and metal, you may well have a simpler method involving some sort of a temperature dial.)

Go away and saw some more wood/read book. Open lid and peer at miraculously cooking chicken occasionally. Turn once or twice if you feel the need to dO something. Add sliced potatoes round the edges. Stare at flames for a while. Read some more. Add chunks of courgettes and smear the rest of the stuffing that didn't fit inside chicken over the top.

Go away for a run to investigate beaver building progress. Add mushrooms. Look for big enough plate to put chicken on. Discover that no such thing is to be found on the boat. Add wee tomatoes. Prise bits of tender free-range, maize-fed chicken off the bones. Listen to enthusiastic noises. (Get home, make blog, wonder why some photos are turned to 90 degrees but not be able to get bothered enough about it to change it...)

Go away for a run to investigate beaver building progress. Add mushrooms. Look for big enough plate to put chicken on. Discover that no such thing is to be found on the boat. Add wee tomatoes. Prise bits of tender free-range, maize-fed chicken off the bones. Listen to enthusiastic noises. (Get home, make blog, wonder why some photos are turned to 90 degrees but not be able to get bothered enough about it to change it...)
maandag 15 november 2010
My First Bento
I've always admired the bento boxes one of the boekgrrls regularly makes up. On Saturday she returned a book I'd lent her and she'd made me a bento of my very own.

I've just been to her blog and found a post describing exactly what was in this bento. The spicy nuts were wonderful, well, it all was really. I ate it in the bath I had after my 3 and a half hour run in the rain yesterday. Luxury.

I've just been to her blog and found a post describing exactly what was in this bento. The spicy nuts were wonderful, well, it all was really. I ate it in the bath I had after my 3 and a half hour run in the rain yesterday. Luxury.
zaterdag 6 november 2010
Joep the Sniffer Dog

maandag 1 november 2010
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