Here you can read about the film which inspired this opera.
We really enjoyed it, clever use of video and set and we had great seats right in the middle of row 4 with no-one directly in front of us. Afterwards went for coffee in the cafe nextdoor, along with Rianne who'd met us outside after coming from a Japanese film and a man who'd also been to the performance and came to Hanneke's rescue when her cigarrette papers had run out. It was a fine afternoon in a sunny autumn Amsterdam.
4 opmerkingen:
But well, what did you think of the opera? We had some long arguments about the opera. Long story short: we thought it was too much a literary opera, it should have been a book and not an opera. We only liked the singing of Aiden, the other voices were not very special or even ugly. It was too much story and less scenic. do you understand what I mean? Not very fit to opera though.
Not being any sort of authority on opera I thought I'd leave my uninformed opinion out of things but I think I agree with your assessment more or less. I suspected it wasn't 'really' an opera like wot opera 'should' be. Innit...
(Ik moest wel aan jou denken vanmiddag - de laatste keer dat ik daar was, was met jou en Riny en een hele kudde dansende zwannen ;-)
I went Saturday night but haven't gotten around to a blogpost yet. I can say though that I preferred the movie to the opera! I'll write about that later this week (not in the boss's time ;)
Elm@, glad you enjoyed your evening out, even though the opera might have been less than perfect! (read some mixed reviews about it).
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