woensdag 30 juni 2010

Potato Perfection

New Ayrshire potatoes. With such delicate wee Scottish skins that they can be removed just by giving them a light scrub with a new green panscrub sponge.

The first taster to see if they're ready... there is nothing quite like the first taste of the year of these wondrously delicious potatoes. Some people here rave about the first asparagus, which I find something of an anonymous nonentity. Ayrshire potatoes are so superior in taste to any asparagus as to be totally incomparable. Such a shame blogs can't convey taste and smell...

They were every bit as wonderful as I hoped they'd be. Good job I didn't invite anyone round to share them this time as the 'Ohhh...' noises of delight are a bit embarassing really ;-)

(Eaten cold from the pan later they are the perfect wee snack.)

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Hmm, I'm tempted after all that, although I can't remember I've heard of these very special potatoes.

Great you're enjoying a potato as a rare delicatesse!

elma zei

well, few people outside of Scotland will have heard of them as they're far too good to export. I have to bribe occasional visitors-at-the-right-time-of-year to lug them across for me...