zondag 27 december 2009

Boxing Day

was spent first at the stables in Eemnes where Julia had a jumping competition and then on the houseboat in Baarn. Hadn't yet worked out how to take action pictures at the stables, so it looks like a ghost horse doing the jumping... Sproet was very laid back about the whole thing, even when Julia was leaping about being as macho as the moustache she got in her Christmas cracker he just stayed lying on the cushion wagging his tail.

3 opmerkingen:

Loes zei

First a comment on the last entry...
Jethro Tull????????Aren't they dead by now? Only knew them in the early seventies. Maybe I should reconnect.

Nice Christmas photo's.
And a Happy New Year to you!!

elma zei

My reaction was the same as yours Loes. I thought they were long dead or at least disbanded. Apparantly they still tour extensively and this (very good) Christmas album is from 2002. Haha, 'album' - there's another retro 70's word ;-)

Anoniem zei

your dog photo's remind me of Hockney: http://www.hockneypictures.com/works_paintings_90_12.php