woensdag 9 februari 2011

Surfboard Accessories

(Have just added this book photo for Chanou. I picked up the book there and left it behind for the next reader - this surf village is the perfect place for it to circulate.)

After the epic bus journey to the rather austere military dominated Western Sahara coastal town of Dakhla 2 days in Agadir and then 3 in the nearby surfers paradise Taghazout. Lots of reading; beach runs; sun. Every second person in the street has a surfboard under their arm. My food discovery of today is pistache yoghurt...

3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

You can't say "lots of reading" without posting a picture of your book now can you? *stern look* :\

Elsje zei

En hoe was de pistache yoghurt?

elma zei

hahaha, it was a challenge just to find the @ key on some of the Moroccan keyboards I came across - dealing with photos was just too much like hard work. I promise to put up lots of pics in the coming days. Pistachio yoghurt is yummy.