The book is almost always better and so was it with this too tonight in Baarrrrn (where Fransje Bauwer wears a morning robe rather than a bathrobe according to the man in the audience ;-). Not that I don't admire him for being able to churn out so much endless text, a lot of it improvised on the spot or from things in the news from the past few days, around a few central points in the book. But for me there was too much of that and not enough about running, which he deals with in much greater depth in the book. I suppose he sells more tickets on the strength of Dolf the Cabaretier than as Dolf the Runner so it was more my expectations which were misplaced. And at the end he sold and signed a good pile of books - with all of the money going to Sister Claire in Lima (as he explained briefly, just as it appears as a 2-line announcement at the end of the book). Doing good by stealth I think is the expression. For all his professional cynicism he's a good (half) Irish boy pleasing his ma...
Note to self: next time I go to a stage thing in the Speeldoos ask for tickets in the balcony, row 12, seats 1 + 2. We had other seats at the end of a row but these 2 were set apart like an opera box and unoccupied so we sat there. Best place in the house. Probably not so great for a film mind.
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