It's years since I've had my head so far underwater and I can't say I was very keen on going down into the dark place under the gangplank but ach, I had my reputation as tough diving woman to uphold so there was no turning back once I'd said I'd come and help... Our first attempts on Saturday evening only produced an old set of keys some previous owner had dropped and as it was getting dark and my teeth were starting to rattle with the cold we decided to stop after a number of failed dives. But I couldn't stand the thought of the keys being there and me not being able to find them so next day when the light was better I had a second attempt. Without mask and fins this time as I couldn't see anything in the dark under the boat anyway and it was easier to pull myself down by the iron pole we'd stuck in the bottom at the place where the keys had fallen. And this time I found them at my first attempt! Along with a pair of scissors. I was a lot calmer than the evening before and was able to feel my way more methodically around the pole without panicking about having enough air. A good exercise in Search and Recovery.
4 opmerkingen:
you're a hero! thanks again! Riny
Wow, Elma, da's echt stoer!
Dit resultaat had ik echt niet verwacht. Een hele stoere actie!
Oh my, I *am* impressed!!! You could have bumped into lots of scary (not to mention disgusting) things :-o
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