zondag 2 augustus 2009

Chopsticks Are Go!

Japanese theme continues. Rianne, inspired by the film Megane tried out various Japanese recipes on her birthday guests. The marinated (??) chicken was wondrous, the mini-hamburger thingies were very good too but as far as I'm concerned the stars of the edible show were the fish-shaped toastie-type things filled with sweet beans which she got from the sushi-bar which is to be found on the biological market in Utrecht on Friday. Shame I forgot to take a photo of them... I also forgot to take pictures of the various heads of hair I transformed into Japanese style with the help of a few chopsticks, but here is Ellen's, the one that worked best of all:

And this is Rianne looking about as manic as she's ever likely to get. (She's usually sO calm ;-) If anyone can tell me why it's appropriate to make a V sign when trying to look Japanese, please do. I'm told it's the done thing.

2 opmerkingen:

Elly zei

The V-sign probably equals the chopsticks in the hair ;-)
Elly (boekgrrl)

Anoniem zei

I am definitely going to try those beanthingyfishes sometime when I have the chance to go to the biological market but I'm usually not in town on Friday :((

About the V-sign: don't you LOVE wikipedia? ;)