zaterdag 24 maart 2012

donderdag 22 maart 2012

Moving Stuff 2

Too big to find a place for in Bedsit Land. (And past their best - the cardboard Great Danes still bore some flying slavers from the days when they were in the shop with Campbell.) The shoe rack was a good idea but in practise it needed to be fixed to the door at various points with tape and the heavier boots pushed it away from its moorings. I think it only works for the daintier sorts of shoes.

maandag 19 maart 2012

Bedsit Land 2

Seem to have forgotten to take the kitchen part photo - tomorrow...

Free Trains - Planetarium Franeker

Here are the photos from yesterdays outing to Franeker (via Riny in Zwolle).

I was really impressed by the Planetarium, the oldest one in the world and built by Eise Eisinga in his living quarters in the 1770s. Definitely well worth a visit, I can't understand why it doesn't get more publicity than it does. Surely I should have heard of it sometime earlier in the 20 odd years I've lived here already?

Afterwards we decided to look for his burial (and birth) place in the next village. It was a fair walk (in a freezing wind) from the station in Dronrijp, but we found it eventually.

vrijdag 2 maart 2012

Bedsit Land

From the multi-gated and fenced-in house-in-the-woods in Lopik it's (temporarily?) back to the top of the house in Utrecht... Here some photos of the work in progress.

Moving Stuff

Packing up to move back to Utrecht, to the 2 small rooms at the top of the house I'm clearing out lots of stuff to throw away or bring to the recycling. Since I find it difficult to part with some things I've decided that one way to do it is to make a photo and keep that and throw the object itself away. So here we have:
My favourite dead jeans.
A cracked Modigliani.