As I was happily making my way round the Rondweg (priority road) in Houten a pillock in a brand new Audi Q5 (think huge 4-wheel drive) pulled out in front of me. I'd spotted him behaving oddly, half pulling out and then stopping so had already started to brake and thought I could manage to steer round him, but when he just kept on pulling out onto my road I couldn't stop a collision no matter how hard I braked. My ancient Opel Combo (my Wee Blue Van!) now has a big dent in the bonnet, bumper and bit-behind-bumper. It's probably an insurance write-off but ach, it still goes and no-one was hurt. Pillock admitted immediately he'd been on the phone ('to someone who usually never answers so I was confused and not paying attention'). He picked up the bit of his bumper that had fallen off into the road, popped it back into place and has no visible damage. It was like hitting a very solid object - thank goodness it was just me and the dogs in a fairly solid wee van and not some young inexperienced driver in a biscuit tin with a baby or, even worse, a motorbike. He was phoning handsfree but still wasn't paying attention to the fact that he was on the road in a small tank-like vehicle. He said that he phones all the time and has never had an accident before and that 'if I'd been having the same conversation with someone sitting next to me it could have happened as well'. Eh, no - because the person sitting beside you would have seen that you were being a pillock-in-charge-of-a-tank about to do something stupid and would have been able to shout at you to stop before you mowed into me.